التخطي إلى المحتوى الرئيسي

What Makes Nabq Bay the Perfect Choice for You


 Located the most pristine and peaceful spot in Sharm El Sheikh with a spectacular snorkeling and diving by day combined with a thriving nightlife lies Nabq Bay.  Nabq Bay is a city within a city. It's blessed with a calm and a serene ambiance because its the less crowded area in Sharm El Sheikh.
Nabq Bay is on a promontory overlooking the Straits of Tiran at the mouth of the Gulf of Aqaba. Its a 20 minute drive from Sharm International Airport.

  • Things to do in Nabq Bay 
  1. Soho Square 

Your first stop should be Soho Square which is an award-winning entertainment center in Sharm El Sheikh. The distance from Nabq Bay to Soho Square happens to be a five minute drive Soho Square happens to include not only Chinese cuisine but also a variety of Asian, Mediterranean and Egyptian cuisines.

Soho Square happens to have the first coolest place in the Middle East, which is Ice Bar with walls, the bar, the seats, the tables and even the glasses made from ice. Soho Square has an ice rink, a bowling arena, a kids arcade and a culture.

  2. Nabq Bay Nightlife 

Nabq Bay is quite famous for it lively night life. First of there is Pataya Beach where you can feel the beat while dancing on the golden sands. There is the famous Bus Stop Bar and the famous Buddha Bar.

      3. Enjoy a little shopping at Mall Darya      

You can also check out Mall Darya. It has everything you’re looking for with high quality and reasonable prices

      4. The Best Diving and Snorkeling Spots

There is also Sharks Bay which is one of the most beautiful beaches in Sharm El Sheikh where you can dive and enjoy snorkeling. 

There is also one of the main tourist attractions and is a landmark in Sharm El Sheikh which is Al- Ghara’na. Al-Ghara’na is a shipwreck at the edge of the reefs and is also a favored diving spot.

There is also Nabq Nature Reserve which is an outstanding site for diving and snorkeling as the coral reefs are very rich there. It also has one of the largest populations of Gazelles in South Sini.


  • Where to Sleep

In Nabq Bay there are a lot of five star hotels. For example you can find the Rixos Sharm El Sheikh, Steigenberger Alcaza and Charmillion Sea Life Resort. There also happens to be a lot of great resorts like The View Resort Sharm El Sheikh.

  • The View Resort Sharm El Sheikh 

Located in the heart of Nabq Bay overlooking the beautiful Red Sea, Tiran Island and the amazing mountains of Sinai lies The View Resort surrounded by several facilities such as banks, super markets and bars . The View Resort is designed specifically to offer it's residents a luxurious and comfortable stay. 

The peaceful location makes the resort also a serene escape from the busy city life. In The View Resort Sharm El Sheikh we have an amazing spa & jacuzzi. There is as well a fully equipped gym and a number of pools. You can also find restaurants, cafes and a shuttle bus to get you to anywhere you’d like to visit. 

There is also the Rixos Aqua Park juts 10 minutes away from the resort were you can indulge in all the fun water activities.

 So hurry up and don’t miss out on owning your property in The View Resort Sharm El sheikh because there are limited units left. 

Call us now 01010017331 or fill the form http://bit.ly/2OLxzo4



المشاركات الشائعة من هذه المدونة

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